England - Polyglot Network

अपना शहर टाइप करें

Welcome to England Polyglot Network!


Romkarrrr profile picture RomkarrrrAugust 2012
Titanium hello, i dont know how to use this site,but try to communicate with me)
simotu87 profile picture simotu87August 2012
Hi there!

I'm an italian girl of 2 years old and I would like to improve my bad english..
I'm from Florence and I can help you with my italian!

I'm being in London from September 7th to September 16th and I would like to know new friends to drink something together and improving our languages!
N.B. I speak also French!
ladiereflex profile picture ladiereflexAugust 2012
WOW!! I haven't been on here for years XD
imhotep87 profile picture imhotep87July 2012
Hola todos! tengo 25 anos y soy de Inglaterra. Necesito ayudar con el Espanol. Yo puedo enseñar a Ingles a cambio!

Hi Everyone. I'm 25 and from England. I need help with my Spanish. I can teach English in return! (I don't even charge)
  • Xavier_paris profile picture Xavier_parisAugust 2012
    hola imhotep, te puedo ayudar para q practiques tu espanol! acabo de llegar en londres y me voy a quedar 6 meses, asi q si quieres mejorar tu nivel de espanol q ya parece bien, nos podriamos encontrar por alli!
Redvy profile picture RedvyAugust 2012
Hello, I learn English at school, but i'm not very good.
In change, i can teach italian



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