Exchange All Languages! - The Third -

Description de l'évènement

  • Date: Dec 13, 2007
  • Heure: 18:30
  • Adresse: Adresse visible pour les participants

Greetings to the Polyglot Community in London!

This is the  third offline-meeting for those who can meet up in the heart of City of London to exchange as many languages as you can!

It's better if you can join,  then more languages we can exchange. Anyone can join. Please feel free to pop in, have a chat.

This time we will start from 18:30 so that we can have more time to mingle with others. Please do register if you intend to come so that we can book the venue for appropriate area. Please check  out the map if you think you  might  get lost.

Here's summary:
Date : 
Thursday,  13th of December
Time : 18:30 onwards
Venue :
Loose Cannon
Address :
13-16 All Hallows Lane, London EC4R 3UL
Fee : No fees (You need to pay for what you drink/eat)

And for directions, here's a map:

If you are planning to come, the please do register including number of people you would bring,  also it would be very helpful if you  let me know that you're putting an ad of this event elsewhere so that I can confirm (or at  the very least to guess)  number of people coming to make sure the venue can accommodate us.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Ils parlent de nous !

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


pat profile picture patDecember 2007
I sent a group mailing to all the Polyglot Members living in the London area: 1600 members in all! Hang in there, Toshi san!