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Descrierea evenimentului


vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2007
This meeting in London looks great : thank you averybody for supporting the POLYGLOT concept,

Don't hesitate to invite friends

or to leave some ads everywhere

. E-mail your friends

. Print the meeting flyer

. post the meeting URL on other websites :

T0shi profile picture T0shiOctober 2007
Hi lilly0000, dude1865,

If you are coming, could you please 'Register' from above link so that we can see the number of people coming. Thank you
dude1865 profile picture dude1865October 2007
look forward to going ricky
lilly0000 profile picture lilly0000October 2007

Sounds cool!I was about to make one as well,as u know,  we can't miss the opportunity to meet people from over the world.

Thanks for ur work,it should be fun!

I'd love to join u guys,will try to catch up.

see u then.xxxxxxx

vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2007
Good job Nodnol!

I have sent a mailing to the members of London = 1520
T0shi profile picture T0shiOctober 2007

Hi all,

If you are thinking to turn up, please could you do register - then we can book appropriate space for this meeting. (I'm supporting Nodnol to get this organised.)

Thank you!

Nodnol profile picture NodnolOctober 2007
Good deed, Toshi!
pat profile picture patOctober 2007
Welcome on board Arz59 and Toshi! We hope that you'll enjoy this Polyglot Meeting =) A message has been sent to ALL the Polyglot Members living in London. Long live the London Polyglot Community!


Polyglot Administrator