World Citizens Debate: homelessness & meritocracy - is hard work really enough? , Tue, Oct 10, 2...

Event description

  • 日時: Oct 10, 2023
  • Time: 19:00
  • 住所: Address visible for attendees

Homelessness in London has seen a significant increase, with a 26% rise in new rough sleepers since last year (source: The Big Issue, Aug 2023). However, contrary to popular belief, many of these individuals are not lazy or stealing taxpayer money. In fact, a majority of them are working (source: Simon on the Streets, Nov 2022).

The prevailing notion in our society is that hard work and personal character are the keys to success in a meritocratic system. But as the economic crisis persists, we need to ask ourselves some crucial questions:
1. Is hard work and personal character truly enough? Given the homelessness crisis, can we genuinely claim to live in a meritocracy?
2. What changes are necessary to level the playing field and create a fair society?

Background reading:
- Meritocracy is a myth invented by the rich (The Guardian)
- Why do people believe in meritocracy? (UK Household Longitudinal Study)

*Join us for the World Citizens Debate on homelessness and meritocracy to explore these pressing issues and connect with like-minded individuals from around the world*
- Please arrive on time. The debate typically lasts 60-90 minutes, with opportunities for socializing before and after.
- The bar will be serving tea, milkshakes, drinks, pizza, hotdogs, and nibbles (including plant-based options).

TOPIC OF THE DAY: Homelessness as a litmus test for meritocracy

We will either have a turn-based debate (Model United Nations style) or facilitate table group discussions, depending on the number of participants. The format typically includes:
- Introductions and initial thoughts (~15 minutes)
- Group breakout sessions per question (~25 minutes)
- Final round of opinions (~20 minutes)

EVENT ETIQUETTE (Rules and Expectations)
- Focus on debating the topic, not attacking participants - personal attacks are not allowed.
- Please refrain from using phones or interrupting others during the debate.
- Drink responsibly. Alcohol is not an excuse for inappropriate behavior.

World Citizens is one of London's longest-running and largest communities. Since 2012, we have organized socials, cultural activities, and thought-provoking discussions to foster meaningful exchange and learning among London's global professionals.

What: Structured debate session followed by socializing/networking
When: Tuesday, October 10, 2023, 7:00 PM onwards (debate starts after 7:30 PM for more socializing time)
Where: Curzon Aldgate (bar area), 2 Canter Way, E1 8PS
Closest stations: Aldgate East, Aldgate, Tower Hill/Gateway
Cost: Pay for your own meals or drinks
Hosts: We have a rotating team of hosts for each event. Our regular members are also available to assist with any basic inquiries.

NOTE: Like most guests, our volunteer hosts also attend after work and may arrive after the start time. If you arrive early or punctually, we greatly appreciate it! Feel free to start socializing or grab something to eat or drink - that's the essence of our events. Our regular members can also assist with any basic inquiries.

*Check out our other weekly events*
- Tuesday and Friday evening socials every week
- Saturday afternoon cafe in Chelsea
- Outdoor activities (hiking, kayaking, etc.) every Sunday
- Pub quiz or Canary Wharf evening alternating on Wednesdays
- Dining, cultural, and travel activities on-demand

If you enjoy organizing activities or events in your spare time and want to meet fantastic people every week, send a message to our team account "TP"!

We are a 100% volunteer-run team. While we take careful measures to ensure safety and comfort, please note that this is a private informal activity. Hence, we cannot be held liable for any inconvenience or damage. However, we prioritize safety and comfort, and we take any form of harassment, verbal or non-verbal, and anti-social behavior very seriously. We collaborate with the police when necessary. Photos and videos may be taken during the event, which may include you, to promote the community in accordance with GDPR Data Protection law. We reserve the right to restrict or prioritize guests at our discretion for safety, quality, and logistical reasons. While our administrative decisions may not always be perfect, we kindly request that you respect and abide by them. Any disputes can be discussed privately with us at a later time. By attending this event, you acknowledge, agree to, and respect all the terms of this disclaimer.


Media coverage - Polyglot Club