International Meetup in City of London

Опис події

  • Дата: Nov 28, 2008
  • Час: 18:30
  • Адреса: Адреса видима для учасників
  • Couchsurfing

Polyglot/CouchSurfingProject Joint  International Meetup in City of London (13th) 
- for you to practice languages you are learning  or just to mingle with people who are keen on learning languages.
- This is also the best opportunity to meet up and get to know other members in Polyglot/CouchSurfing Project!
- If you were born in November, please let me know....we will celebrate that


Greetings to the Polyglot Community in London!

This is the meetup for those who can meet up in the heart of City of London to exchange as many languages as you can, or to mingle with people who study foreign languages!

As usual, anyone can join. Please feel free to pop in, have a chat and make friends, mingle with people who are keen on learning languages. There is no restriction as long as you have any language to learn.

Please do register if you intend to come so that we can book the venue for appropriate area. Please check  out the map if you think you  might  get lost.

Here's summary:
Date :  Friday, 28th of November
Time : 18:30 onwards
Venue :
Loose Cannon
Address :
13-16 All Hallows Lane, London EC4R 3UL
Nearest station : Cannon Street, Bank, Mansion House, Monument tube station
* Nearest station is Cannon Street Station, but you can walk from Mansion House, Bank, Monument tube stations. It's behind Cannon Street Station. Go right side of Cannon Street Station and across Upper Thames Street, then turn to left to the other side of under the train-bridge, then turn to the right. You should be able to see the bar : Loose Cannon.
Fee :
No fees (You need to pay for what you drink/eat)

And for directions, here's a map:

If you are planning to come, the please do register including number of people you would bring,  also it would be very helpful if you  let me know that you're putting an ad of this event elsewhere so that I can confirm (or at  the very least to guess)  number of people coming to make sure the venue can accommodate us.  Thank you! :-)

If you are concerned about your skill to get lost easily, please drop me a line. I can contact you to make sure you know where to go including giving my mobile just in case.

Вони говорять про нас!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2008
mailing sent

Total members in london = 1990

MaxTolk profile picture MaxTolkNovember 2008

I attended the last meeting last month. it was cool. 

i met nice and interesting people. i have had a great time and made  new friends of different backgrounds

and interests. it's a great idea.  well done, sponsor .

yes, Toshi, our japanese organiser deserves a special thank-you for his effort and organisation skills.

tarrraaa. see you all soon!



vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2008
ok mailing sent to members from London