Tere tulemast Ukraine Polüglottide Võrgustikus!
The Polyglot Club Community based on this website allows you to learn and practice foreign languages worldwide. Polyglot Club members can share their knowledge and ideas about any language or culture, whether online (Online Exchange) or face-to-face (Offline Exchange).
Polyglot Club Ukraine is open to all regardless of age, gender, socioeconomic status or language level. All users, all countries and all languages (including regional and minority languages) are concerned.
Polyglot Club Ukraine is also interested in schools, language institutes and higher education institutions.
If you are a foreigner and want to visit Ukraine or take part in our on-line conferences, please feel free to contact the President of PolyglotClub Ukraine and we will be happy to invite you to our events, show you the city and introduce to you many interesting people!
If you a citizen of Ukraine and you want to practice any foreign language, please contact the page of PolyglotClub in your city in order to find new events. If you have any questions about it, please feel free to contact the President of PolyglotClub Ukraine!
If you an active person and a big fan of foreign languages and want to organize languages events in your city then welcome to our team of PolyglotClub Ukraine. You can send your CV or application directly to Dominique or on the site in your city!
Here are our main contacts:
e-mail: polyglotclub.ua(at)outlook.com
- Domiinique
April 2016
![]() | Richard_HowellSeptember 2016 Hi everyone! I have wish to learn English mostly at live conversation And I just register here and check this resourses. |
uzh1234October 2016 hello
![]() | ONOSHEMIJEHANNAHJuly 2016 Hello |
alina-umkaSeptember 2016 hello? i alina
![]() | Larysa-1September 2016 Cześć! Mam na imię Larysa. Jestem zafascynowana językiem polskim. Bardzo chciałabym znaleźc kogoś z kim mogłabym porozmawiać po polsku. Chętnie kogoś pouczę ukraińskiego albo rosyjskiego. Miłego dnia! |
![]() | DomiiniqueApril 2016 Hello all, Please feel free to use a new option of wall publications here and have a chance to meet new interesting persons! Best regards, The Administration of PolyglotClub Ukraine |
vincentApril 2016 Great !!