Free English Studying Meeting

Descrição do evento

  • Data: Dec 16, 2015
  • Hora: 17:00
  • Morada: Endereço visível para os membros
  • Número de participantes esperados: 50
  • Número máximo de participantes: 50
  • Couchsurfing
  • Facebook
  • Número de telefone: 380730370581

PolyglotClub Kyiv is again with us!)

We will have an English studying meeting at America House.  America House is unaffiliated with PolyglotClub. They're allowing us to use one of their rooms for our meeting.  The host is Alex Shields, who will be speaking entirely in English during the meeting.

The agenda is the following.

1. Discussion of English contractions

2. Scene from The Office

Save this pdf to your electronic device or make a printout. 

3. If we have enough time, we will also discuss New Year's Eve in New York City.

Save this pdf to your electronic device or make a printout of the first page. 

Cost: Free.

Place of meeting: American House вул.Пимоненка, 6 

TIme: 17.00

Organizers of the event:

Alex: Organizer of English events +380730370581

Dominique  President of Polyglotclub Ukraine +380988631938 


Feel free to join us here:

FB group:

FB page:



To find America House: 




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