Let's meet in Beyoglu

Descrizione dell'evento

  • Data: Apr 13, 2008
  • Tempo : 13:00
  • Indirizzo: Indirizzo visibile ai partecipanti

When ?
13rd April  - Sunday
  - Time :  1 PM - 3 PM

  Where ? Degustasyon Restaurant

Address : Balı kpazarı no:41 Beyoğ lu - Istanbul

Beyoglu - Cicek Pasajı - in Fish Baazar- NEvizade street's across.

close  to Cumhuriyet Meyhanesi


Contact  : Admin - Funda:   536 -385-03-10

Speak ALL languages and make new friends during a real-life meeting !!
Welcome to all Polyglot members from Istanbul

if you want to join meeting, please REGISTER HERE

Admin - Funda

Parlano di noi!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


fundaselin profile picture fundaselinApril 2008

Hello Istanbul.............

I organise  2 meetings in a week.

  • Every  Wednesday Meetings  at 7 Pm in Kadı köy
  • Every Sunday Meetings at 1 PM in Beyoğ lu

mariemeriem profile picture mariemeriemApril 2008
Well I was so interested about this meeting but.... I'm working on Sundays!!!!

Is anybody interest in organizing a meeting during evenings in the futur?

Anyway good meeting to everybody!
vincent profile picture vincentApril 2008
Dear Funda,

I have sent a mailing to the members

Total members in Istanbul = 3461

