
Esemény leírása

  • Dátum: Jan 27, 2015
  • Idő: 13:30
  • Cím: A résztvevők számára látható cím
  • Number of Attendees expected: 10
  • MAXIMÁLIS résztvevők száma: 20

Hi Everyone !

I want to organize for meeting for 6 months. I think, ıts time has come for that ! so, I want you come here guys ! We can be good friends. If you want that, you can send message me. I will be here on 27th January. I will wait you :) I hope, you will come.

You can contact me here: aylin_nceaylin_nce profile picture

Rólunk mondták!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


refayi profile picture refayiJanuary 2015

naber adın nedir


ReadyforRecord profile picture ReadyforRecordJanuary 2015
unfortunately, meeting coincide with departure date of person I'm her mentor. so I'll not be able to attend the meeting. Have fun and I hope I'll come next time.
vincent profile picture vincentDecember 2014
big success for you meeting Aylin ! everything is ok ? vincent, webmaster
arfaltuntas profile picture arfaltuntasDecember 2014
I'm going to join and I wait to my activity everyone.
vincent profile picture vincentDecember 2014

Thanks for proposal Aylin !

To the Polyglot members from Isranbul who want to join Aylin's event : please click on 'Join the event' and write a message here !

Best regards

Vince, webmaster