Polyglot Club Istanbul Meeting

Event description


ERTU profile picture ERTUJune 2016

Privet vsem  Ya hachu praktirivat moi Ruski yazik ya znayi xorosho Angleski kyo pomagit minya? Arthur







Sevgul profile picture SevgulSeptember 2015
Hi everybody, i need a person for study english. i must learn fast and its for my work
yavuzaltac profile picture yavuzaltacSeptember 2015

Dear Friends

I'm translator. I will try to come to the meeting.


samcho12 profile picture samcho12September 2015
Hi People! (blue-mv, freeia, ayoubdontstop, malekamiiz). There is no deifinte topic as such, any topic about languages is good.

I am an organizer you can contact me for more details.

Don't forget to like our page in Facebook - most of the time I most events there as well.