First Meeting in Ankara!

Описание события

  • Дата: Dec 08, 2007
  • Время: 19:30
  • Адрес: Адрес, видимый участниками

Practice makes perfect! If you want to socialize and speak in foreign tongues, join us!

We would like to meet as many foreigners as possible, to talk about their cultures, and this maybe in the target language. If you are likeminded, do not hesitate to join, the more the better =)

We are looking for a good place to meet. If you know a bar, a pub, a cafe that is central, comfortable, quiet, and friendly, please let us know by leaving a post down below.

Cheminées de fée, Cappadoce.

Они говорят о нас!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


pat profile picture patDecember 2007
I sent a group mailing to all the Polyglot Members living in the Ankara area. Have fun!
aliayen profile picture aliayenNovember 2007
Hi Pat!

Thank you very much for your response. As I said before, Saklibahce is near Armada. You know, Armada is located very close to intersection of Eskisehir and Konya Speedways. You may want to look at the map:

All buses going through Eskisehir way has a stop in front of Armada. Also, it is very easy to find a free car park near Saklibahce.
vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2007
Long life to Polyglot Ankara !!
pat profile picture patNovember 2007
Thank you Aliayen for your help, and for proposing to meet at 'Sogutozu saklibahce'. Would you have the complete address of this location, and/or a website address,  so we can post it here?

Also, is this place CENTRAL in Ankara? That is important, to facilitate access to the Polyglot Meeting for most participants.
aliayen profile picture aliayenNovember 2007
Sogutozu saklibahce, near Armada and TOBB University might be a good choice. They do banquet service on weekends for breakfast... It is a silent place, if you prefer...
pat profile picture patNovember 2007
Good one, Lego06!

Do not forget that 8 December is a Saturday night. If the bar you proposed is TOO crowded on a Saturday night, it may be better to find another place. This is because you will be exchanging in foreign languages, and for this purpose, you need a location that is comfortable, quiet and not too busy.

Thank you for your help, and have fun!

vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2007
Dear lego06,

Thanks for the advice

could you write the exact address and how to get there and tell us if the bar is open on the meeting day ??

thank you very much !!
lego06 profile picture lego06November 2007
We may meet at Random ( Pub Bar in Tunalý).  It s a little crowded but there s a warm atmospher. Location of Random is under Kýtýr and close to Mado in Tunalý.
