Polyglot Ankara Meeting! 04 August 2007!

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mozurt profile picture mozurtJuly 2007


Toplantýya katýlmak istiyordum fakat o tarihte þehir dýþýnda bulunacaðýmdan katýlamayacaðým. Umarým bu toplantýlarýn devamý gelir.

Katýlanlara iyi eðlenceler diliyorum....

semih_lal profile picture semih_lalJuly 2007

this is wonderful  to see you in my city

now i am out of city

if i will be able to return to Ankara before  this day

i will be there ...

thank your for this good organization...

vincent profile picture vincentJuly 2007

I have sent another mailing to the last 800 members,



vincent profile picture vincentJuly 2007
Hello Cuore,

I am sure your meetings will be very fun : if not a lot of participants this time : more for the next one !

However, i am helping you out by posting some messages in other forum related to Ankara,

with the following text (you can do the same if you want) :

And everybody else can do the same to help us out ...

Meeting subject: *Polyglot Ankara Meeting! 04 August 2007!*

Hello everybody!!

If you want to go to a free Language Exchange Polyglot meeting in Ankara you can visit this site (it is 100% free) :


See you soon
Cuore profile picture CuoreJuly 2007

This flyer is so nice Vincent, thank you very much for your valuable efforts!..

In fact, I do not think that the number of the participants are so much important for this meeting.

This will be the first Polyglot meeting ever in Ankara. It will be a very nice introduction   We will see each other for the first time, and we will have the chance to share our ideas about Polyglot...

It may take few more meetings to have great number of participants. This number is quite enough for us. Our next meeting will be very soon after this one.

You can be sure that, Turkish branch of Polyglot will be one of the most active and most special ones.

We will share our meeting photos with all of you...


vincent profile picture vincentJuly 2007

hi, i've you started to post flyers around ? polyglot members won't be enough for a very big meeting ...

I suggest you to post them in Language places like language schools, universities and soI

I suggest you to use something like https://polyglotclub.com/meetings_print.php



take care ...


multiglot profile picture multiglotJuly 2007

Hey Cakir =)

Bravo for your initiative! I am so glad that your first meeting is picking up. I sincerely wish that I were around, to take part. But I am with you with all my heart. Enjoy the meeting and your future contacts!


Cuore profile picture CuoreJuly 2007

Hello all !.. :)

I am very happy to read your messages here. It is too encouraging to see that everyone is ready for our meeting!

It will be the first meeting of POLYGLOT ANKARA. and you can be sure that, it will be a very successful one...


We are waiting for you in our meeting, friend! Thank you very much for your great words about our meeting.


Thank you Cagdas! I hope, we will see each other in the meeting!


As you said, it will be a great meeting... We hope to see you with us on 4 August in Tunali Hilmi!..