毎週 金曜日 夜 7:30 - 9時 散歩しながら言語交換|中国語|日本語|運動|イベント|旅行|台北|台湾|歩き|ゲーム|留学|留学生|勉強|友達作り|活動|, Fri, Jun 14, 2024,...

आयोजन का वर्णन

  • Date: Jun 14, 2024
  • Samay: 19:30
  • Address: Address visible for attendees
  • www.meetup.com

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

Join us every Friday night at 7:00 PM in front of Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall for a language exchange event combined with a leisurely walk, exercise, and games. Feel free to participate in group games.

After the activities, we might head to a night market or a club.

ये हमारे बारे में बात करते हैं

Media coverage - Polyglot Club