Hiking Furen and Dàběikēng area Trail 福人.大北坑社區步道健行, Sat, Apr 13, 2024, 9:52 AM ...

Ürituse kirjeldus

  • Kuupäev: Apr 13, 2024
  • Aeg: 09:52
  • Aadrees: Address visible for attendees
  • www.meetup.com

Please arrive on time. Any cancellations due to emergencies should be made by 07:30 am on the day of the event. I will not be checking Meetup after that time. You can reach me at Zhenen 0912628574 or Line ID 033218110.

Our hiking route will include:
貴山客家文化公園-福人步道-大北坑茶園-龍泉步道-生態野溪公園 O type

😫 Difficulty 😫

Length: 22 KM
Elevation Change: 350 m
Route Level: 2/5
Physical Level: 3.5~4/5
Step level: 2/5
Number limit: There is no limit on the number of people who can join for free (the difficulty levels in the itinerary are judged by the team leader and provided as reference for members).

Preparation 🚴

  1. Water (2L) 2. Snacks 3. Easy card 4. Mask 5. Alcohol 6. Lunch

➡️ ➡️ IMPORTANT ⬅️ ⬅️
Organizing fun events can be challenging. Please show respect by: 1. Adhering to signup deadlines. 2. Cancelling early if you are unable to attend. 3. Showing up if you have signed up. Breaking these rules or repeated no-shows will result in a quick ban from the group. This prevents others from being able to participate. If something comes up and you cannot make it, please inform the organizer in advance to avoid a potential ban. Thank you!

Reminder: If you register for an event but do not show up without prior notice to the organizer, we will remove your name from the group. Let's respect each other so we can all have a great time.

🌅 Reference 🌇

Taiwan Railway Timetable

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