English/Chinese language and cultural exchange 中英文語言文化交流, Sun, Jun 25, 2023, 10:00 AM ...

وصف الحدث

  • التاريخ: Jun 25, 2023
  • وقت: 10:00
  • العنوان: العنوان مرئي لكل مشترك
  • www.meetup.com

Join us for an exciting English/Chinese language and cultural exchange event!

If you prefer not to attend in person, we are also offering an online Discord meetup starting at 9am. This option is available to anyone, including those outside of Taipei or in the US. The online event will last for an hour or more, depending on continued interest.

To join the online chat room on Discord, click this link.

• What to expect:
Our event provides a space for Chinese and English language exchange, as well as cultural sharing. Meet new friends, practice your language skills with native speakers, and share your experiences in travel, culture, and more. 中英文語言文化交流。來認識新朋友,分享生活與國內外旅遊經驗,練習說英文/中文。

• What to bring:
Just bring yourself and any questions you'd like to ask others.

• Important to know:
As a courtesy to the venue, we kindly request that attendees order a drink or snack. 基於對店家提供場地的禮貌與支持,希望每位來參加的人都能買個飲料或點心~

We understand that schedules can be tight, so feel free to come in late or leave early. And if anyone is interested, we can always grab lunch together afterwards~

!أنهم يتحدثون عنا

Media coverage - Polyglot Club