Sprachcafé im Park, Fri, Jul 26, 2024, 6:00 PM

Опис події

  • Дата: Jul 26, 2024
  • Час: 18:00
  • Адреса: Адреса видима для учасників
  • www.meetup.com

Join us at the Language Café in the Park for our Summer Gatherings!

If you're looking to improve your German language skills and meet interesting people, come and join us. We'll engage in games, conversations, and laughter while enhancing our German proficiency. Snacks will be provided, but please bring your own drinks.

Look out for signs and flags with our logo in the park to guide you to our meeting spot in the eastern section. No reservation is needed.

Our gatherings are weather-dependent. In case of inclement weather, the event will be canceled with no rescheduled date.

For more information about the Language Café Basel, visit us on:
Instagram: sprachcafe_basel
Website: sprachcafe-basel.ch
Facebook: sprachcafebasel

Вони говорять про нас!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club