Mulhouse BlaBla Language Exchange, Wed, Sep 27, 2023, 8:00 PM


  • Datum: Sept 27, 2023
  • Zeit: 20:00
  • Anschrift: Adresse für Teilnehmer sichtbar

Experience the joy of meeting new people, making friends, and immersing yourself in a diverse linguistic environment at the Mulhouse BlaBla Language Exchange event! This exciting sociocultural gathering fosters language learning and cultural exchange, while also offering an opportunity for tourists and newcomers to explore the vibrant multiculturalism of Mulhouse.

Participation in our events is free and open to everyone, but we kindly request that you support the venue by purchasing at least one drink during the event.

For more information about our events, visit our:

At Blabla Language Exchange, we prioritize the safety and well-being of our participants. Our dedicated organizers are always available to assist and provide information. If you have any general questions or concerns about our events, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

To ensure a comfortable and welcoming environment for all attendees, we have a zero-tolerance policy for abuse, harassment, discrimination, violence, and inappropriate behavior. If any such actions are reported or observed, the organizers and venue staff reserve the right to ban the responsible individual from our events.

We encourage open dialogue and invite you to approach our organizers if you witness or experience any misconduct. Blabla Language Exchange is committed to creating a safe space that celebrates diversity and promotes inclusivity for all participants.

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