Basic + Intermediate SWEDISH, Sun, Dec 15, 2024, 4:30 PM


  • Datum: Dec 15, 2024
  • Zeit: 16:30
  • Anschrift: Adresse für Teilnehmer sichtbar

Join us for an engaging Sunday gathering focused on Swedish conversation tailored for both basic and intermediate learners! This is a fantastic opportunity for those who have grasped the fundamentals of the Swedish language, such as self-introduction and posing simple questions. Participants will have the chance to practice their Swedish skills with fellow enthusiasts in a supportive environment. Our sessions will revolve around lively discussions on contemporary topics, interactive games, and thought-provoking discussion cards. We encourage you to bring along any ideas, discussion topics, or games that you feel would enhance our experience together.

To help sustain our meeting venue, we kindly request that all attendees order something from the café during our session.

Explore valuable resources to enhance your Swedish language skills by visiting our curated list of helpful links: Useful Links to Learn Swedish.

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