Remote Advanced SWEDISH conversation, Sun, Jun 30, 2024, 3:00 PM


  • 日期: Jun 30, 2024
  • 时间: 15:00
  • 地址: 参与者可见的地址

Join us for our weekly Remote Advanced Swedish Conversation Group!

Due to the current circumstances, this group is now meeting online via video conference using the Jitsi platform hosted by Loopia, a major Swedish web hosting provider.

To access the conference, click on the link below:

This meetup is tailored for individuals at an advanced level in Swedish. You should be comfortable holding a basic conversation in Swedish and able to comprehend most of a Swedish news broadcast. If you are not at this level, we recommend joining our beginner or intermediate groups instead.

Participants will have the opportunity to practice Swedish with others who share the same goal. Engage in discussions on current topics to keep the conversation flowing.

Following the advanced group, you are encouraged to assist with the intermediate and basic groups, offering support to those seeking help with vocabulary, correcting errors, or simply engaging in conversation.

While helpers are not formal teachers, everyone is encouraged to contribute to the discussions.

Feel free to bring along any topics for discussion, questions, or language games you believe would be beneficial for the group.

Kindly update your RSVP status and attend events as indicated to show consideration for other members. If you are on the waiting list, please check your status in case you have been moved to the Attendees list.


Media coverage - Polyglot Club
