Español-Sueco conversación | Spanska-Svenska, Sun, Jun 30, 2024, 11:30 AM

Event description

  • Dato: Jun 30, 2024
  • Time: 11:30
  • Adresse: Address visible for attendees

Join our language exchange group: WhatsApp Group Link

🇪🇦 Let's chat, have fun, and learn from each other.
We'll start with 45 minutes of Spanish, followed by 45 minutes of Swedish.

Participants are expected to have at least a basic level in both languages and be able to introduce themselves.

To ensure future availability of the venue, we kindly request each participant to make a purchase at the café.



🇸🇪 The idea is to have a coffee, enjoy ourselves, and learn from each other.
We'll begin with 45 minutes of Spanish, and then continue with 45 minutes of Swedish.

Every participant is expected to have basic knowledge in both languages and be able to introduce themselves.

To ensure the availability of the venue in the future, all participants are requested to make a purchase at the café.


De snakker om oss!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club