RUSSIAN/SWEDISH (You must speak Some Swedish and Russian) 6.15-7.45, Tue, May 21, 2024, 6:15 PM

Event description

  • Дата: May 21, 2024
  • Time: 18:15
  • Адрес: Address visible for attendees

Join us for a language exchange event where you can practice your Russian, Swedish, or both in a welcoming and casual setting with native speakers! All levels are welcome - whether you're a beginner, intermediate, or advanced. Please note that if you are looking specifically for basic Swedish practice, there are dedicated groups available for that.
We will kick off at 6:15 PM and wrap up at 7:45 PM, dedicating approximately 45 minutes to Russian and another 45 minutes to Swedish.
Att Källarbyn is known for its friendly atmosphere, so why not grab a cup of tea or coffee while you're there to support the venue?
Just a friendly reminder to keep an eye on your belongings and be wary of pickpockets in the area!
Добро пожаловать :-) eller varmt välkommen :-)

Click here to watch a video about the event!

Говорят за нас!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club