Intermediate ENGLISH, Sun, May 5, 2024, 12:00 PM

Etkinlik Açıklaması

  • Tarih: May 05, 2024
  • saat: 12:00
  • Adres: Adres, katılımcılar tarafından görülebilir

Join us for our Intermediate English meetup on Sunday, May 5, 2024, at 12:00 PM. This is a relaxed gathering where language enthusiasts can come together to practice English while enjoying a cup of coffee or any other drink of your choice. There's no specific topic or agenda for the meeting, just come to the cafe and engage in conversation about anything that interests you.

We welcome advanced and native English speakers to join us and provide support. While our helpers are not formal teachers, they are happy to assist with any questions you may have. Feel free to engage with them during the meetup.

Please be courteous to other members by updating your RSVP status and attending events as indicated. If you're on the waiting list, make sure to check your status in case you've moved up to the Attendees list.

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