Intermediate ENGLISH, Sun, Apr 21, 2024, 12:00 PM

Event description

  • תאריך: Apr 21, 2024
  • Time: 12:00
  • כתובת: Address visible for attendees

Join us for our Intermediate English meetup on Sunday! This is a laid-back group where language enthusiasts gather to practice English, enjoy a cup of coffee, and engage in casual conversations. There's no specific topic, just come to the cafe and chat about anything that interests you.

We welcome advanced and native English speakers to join us and assist others in improving their language skills. While our helpers are not formal teachers, they are happy to help answer any questions you may have.

Please respect the group by keeping your RSVPs updated and attending events you've confirmed for. If you're on the waiting list, be sure to check your status in case you've been moved to the Attendees list.

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