Finsk-svenskt språkkafé! // Suomen ja ruotsin kielinen kielikahvila!, Mon, Jan 15, 2024, 6:30 PM

Opis wydarzenia

  • Data: Jan 15, 2024
  • Сzas: 18:30
  • Adres: Adres widoczny dla uczestników

Join us for a unique language experience at our "Finsk-svenskt språkkafé! // Suomen ja ruotsin kielinen kielikahvila!" event. Immerse yourself in the Swedish "fika" atmosphere as we engage in conversations, have fun, and learn something new. The first 45 minutes will be dedicated to speaking Finnish, followed by 45 minutes of Swedish. It's ideal for participants to have basic knowledge of both languages, allowing them to introduce themselves and actively participate in discussions.

By supporting the café and making a purchase, we ensure that the venue remains available for future events. Let's enjoy some delicious treats while expanding our language skills!

You're warmly welcomed to join us!

Oni o nas mówią!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club