Basic + Intermediate SWEDISH, Sun, Oct 8, 2023, 4:30 PM

Deskripsi acara

  • Tanggal: Oct 08, 2023
  • Waktu: 16:30
  • Alamat: Alamat terlihat untuk peserta

Join us for our weekly gathering where you can practice your Swedish conversation skills at a basic and intermediate level. This group is perfect if you already have a foundation in Swedish and can introduce yourself and ask simple questions. You'll have the opportunity to engage with other language enthusiasts who are eager to improve their Swedish as well. We'll have conversations on various topics, play games, and use topic cards as well. Feel free to bring your own ideas, discussion topics, questions, or games to share with the group.

To support the café and ensure its availability for future meetups, we kindly ask all participants to make a purchase from the bar.

For additional resources to help you learn Swedish, check out our useful links.

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