Saturday 21 : Meeting in Stockholm !!

Event description

  • Дата: Mar 21, 2009
  • Time: 21:00
  • Адрес: Address visible for attendees
  • Couchsurfing
  • Телефонен номер: +33 6 60 25 62 66
Hi Polyglots from Stockholm!!

We are a group of about 20 - 25 people from different nationalities coming on Friday 20th of March from Paris [click here to visit details of our trip] to visit this beautiful city of yours!

We are gonna all meet on Saturday 21st @ 9 pm in a PUB in order to meet members from Stockholm in a friendly atmosphere.

Here is the place suggested by

The Big Ben

Address: Folkungagatan 97 116 30 STOCKHOLM

Telephone: 08 641 40 44

A pub with 'English' atmosphere

Separate dining room with an international cuisine

Over 50 brands of beer from all over the world, draught & bottled

Our two bars provide a wide selection of single malt whisky

Hope to hear from you very soon


Mehdi & Vincent
Говорят за нас!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


vincent profile picture vincentMarch 2009
yeah, we did not know there was a band : not very convenient for a language exchange meeting :

you could have meet us before during the day, we visited many places ? didn't you have Mehdi phone number ?

fredschmitz profile picture fredschmitzMarch 2009

It was such a pity that this band was playing at the big ben ... very difficult to talk in such conditions.

I met people, but would have like to get know them more ... was disappointed :(

As for the choice of the latino dancing bar after, it was ridiculuous : no space, music to loud ... coming to Stockholm for doing sth you can do in your ówn town is really stupid (sorry, this is my opinion)

Never mind, the idea of joining swedish people was so good ... we had just bad luck with the band.

vincent profile picture vincentMarch 2009

we all arrived in stockholm yesterday : 15 of us

we ate then some of us went to the Ice Bar, others to the Berns


vincent profile picture vincentMarch 2009

I have created this event on the couchsurfing website

ALL together,  I think we'll be about 40


vincent profile picture vincentMarch 2009
Youppii : can't wait to meet  you all
Cangie profile picture CangieMarch 2009

Big Ben is perfect! I have been there many times and the athmosphere is great. It works for a meeting like this. Cangie

vincent profile picture vincentMarch 2009
Thank you Eugeniusz for suggesting this pub (i've updated the main post)

i've heard you are making the reservation for us : that's great!! I think we will be about 30 of us


fredschmitz profile picture fredschmitzMarch 2009

Hello to all. I NEED A PLACE TO SLEEP in Stockholm.

I am Frederic from Belgium, Brussels  and will join the group from Paris on the  Saturday evening meeting.

As I come directly from Brussels, I will arrive sooner than people from Paris,

I arrive on THURSDAY 19/03 and leave your city on MONDAY 23/03.

So, if some people from the Polyglots of Stockholm can accomodate me or give me tips to be hosted with friend(s) (always better than alone in an hostel), I really thank you in advance.

Many many thanks if you could find me a (cheap) and more important, friendly solution :) :)

fredschmitzfredschmitz profile picture
