Saturday 21 : Meeting in Stockholm !!



vincent profile picture vincentMarch 2009
thanks !!! Hourra I think we have found a place to meet!!

BIGBEN is OK I think

the link is not working now,

i'll try later and update the event

thanks for your help :-)
Eugeniusz profile picture EugeniuszMarch 2009
Hi, I don’t know the Imperial restaurant but it looks like an ordinary restaurant. I can check it for you.

Why not to  meet in the pub? I agree it’s not so much Swedish but the atmosphere is better for this kind of meeting, I suggest for ex this one:

In the basement there are smaller spaces and probably they can arrange that everybody can sit at the same table. Se the photos from Cellar bar:

There you can order food and choose from over 50 brands of beer.

The pub has normally entertainment in form of live music but unfortunately 21/3  plays only Yukebox

Big  Ben  it’s not so fare from the place you will stay around 300m, (use butons below to change the scale on the map).


The second proposal is a place quite popular ab 50 m from your hostel. The name is Debaser, the homepage is only in Swedish.


Saturday evening will be clubbing Stricken City with a English group playing indie-pop/rock music. Unfortunately the entrance is 10 EUR but the club is open until 3 am. Of course thre is no entrance to Debaser bar.


I will try to find more proposal for you if you like?
vincent profile picture vincentMarch 2009
Thanks Eugeniusz! this looks like NOT the right place

Maria have sent me interesting links

What do you think of café pierrot, open until 11 and Imperiet ?
Eugeniusz profile picture EugeniuszMarch 2009

Hello, I know this bar and it’s not a good place for such meeting. It’s crowdy and high music volume and not so many places to sit. In my opinion you have to book any place in advance otherwise it will be very difficult to find something in the City Saturday evening for so many people. 

vincent profile picture vincentMarch 2009
Hi, I've just updated the main post,

Please if you are from Stockholm, tell us if this bar is OK or if you have a better proposal.


EpsilonBXL profile picture EpsilonBXLFebruary 2009

Cool, Fred est de la partie, suis contente pour toi que tu puisses profiter de la promo au départ de Bruxelles!!  Moi je ne baisse pas les bras pour autant, j'ai pas encore dit mon dernier mot, tous les chemins ne mènent-ils pas  à.... Stockholm?

vincent profile picture vincentFebruary 2009
eamandae, do you have a place to suggest to all meet on saturday night ?

vincent profile picture vincentFebruary 2009

Glad to see you here!!

I hope you'll join up for this evening and for the rest of our visits