HEADSTRONG FITNESS, Mon, Jan 8, 2024, 9:30 AM

Descripción del evento

  • Fecha: Jan 08, 2024
  • Tiempo: 09:30
  • Dirección: Dirección visible para los asistentes
  • www.meetup.com

Join us for HEADSTRONG FITNESS, a dynamic event that will energize both your body and mind! As a passionate advocate of the belief that a healthy body leads to a healthy mind, I have designed this class to be the ultimate starting point for individuals of all backgrounds and fitness levels. Not only will you experience physical transformations, but you will also have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and build new friendships.

This fully inclusive class focuses on functional fitness, ensuring that every movement is tailored to meet the needs of each participant. Whether you're a beginner or have years of experience, you'll find this class both challenging and rewarding. Don't forget to bring your own mat if you have one!

Join me on Instagram as staceybrownfitnessvalencia. Follow my account for inspiring photos and videos that will motivate you on your fitness journey!

Date: Mon, Jan 8, 2024

Time: 9:30 AM

Cost: €7 per class

¡Hablan de nosotros!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club