Puerta del Sol / O'Neill's

Descrizione dell'evento

  • Data: Dec 31, 2006
  • Tempo : 23:59

Hi, Polyglots,

The huge Irish pub where we usually meet  is very happy with us, so when I asked them for being generous towards us for New Year's Eve... they were more than I hoped ! So we all (newcomers are welcome) have a really good offer for meeting up that very especial (and expensive) night.

I think this is the best and funnest occasion to meet the group, in any case to enjoy the New year's Eve without paying the terrible prices we see around, at a party 200m away the Puerta del Sol (the Spanish New Year's Eve epicenter) and meeting people from all over the world.

So we are meeting next 31th:

at --------------------------- eating the 12 greips at Puerta del Sol (Spanish tradition)

and/or starting at 00:30-----------New year's eve party at O'Neill's

Especial price for us: 10€ drink entrance ticket  and usual prices for the next drinks    (Regular new year's eve prices: 15€, 10€  next drinks).

In order to have the especial price, we have to make a list. Send to me a message(title: Nochevieja) with your name (or your name+3 people, for example)  to ddaviddddavidd profile picture, or call me: 618271778 It's very convenient to do it asap because the list will be closed if we are many, since that moment  people out of the list will have to pay the regular price.

Tell me also in the email message if you're coming to the Puerta del Sol before the party.

Parlano di noi!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


multiglot profile picture multiglotDecember 2006
Hey David,

I just sent a mailing to all Polyglot Members (525) in the greater Madrid area, to notify them of your New Year Polyglot event.

Have fun, we'll be with you in spirits, which are always at the highest!
Polyglot admin