Descripción del evento


Pitchoune profile picture PitchouneMarch 2007


I would like to come but I don't know the hour of the meeting?




ddavidd profile picture ddaviddMarch 2007

This is the TVE Telediario report:

multiglot profile picture multiglotJanuary 2007
Bravo, Ddavidd, for you achievements! We are following your footsteps and I am positive that the Polyglot community will grow ever stronger =)
vincent profile picture vincentJanuary 2007

congrats for the TV !!

polyglot's been is on France3 this friday!!

ddavidd profile picture ddaviddDecember 2006

TVE, we're on the news !

ddavidd profile picture ddaviddDecember 2006

Hi, Polyglots, 

Some weeks ago, I received a call from Telemadrid, the Madrid public TV channel. They told me they wanted to make a report of the best language exchange in town. So they were our guests for a couple of hours, they were recording, interviewing& hellip we had a lot of fun. Here you are the result:

But this is not the end of the story, after that we were recorded for another report, this time for TVE, the public and most important TV channel in Spain (we'll be seen also all around the world, through the satellite TVE internacional). 

And yesterday, esMadrid, another channel, came along and made our third TV report.  

  To be continued. 

vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2006

to register to the meeting, you have to register to the site here first.

best regards

Osquitranki profile picture OsquitrankiNovember 2006

Hello David,

I wan to know who register  me in   the meetting. I have trai in this page and I couldn.t do.

¿What have I to do to going to the meetting?

I don´t know if you understand me ... if don´t understand me, please, tell me and y writing in spañish.
