Catalonia - Sieć Polyglot

Witamy w Catalonia Sieci Polyglot!


irenegamo7 profile picture irenegamo7April 2013

Heeey I would like to learn Italian or make my English more fluent, i can exchange it for catalan or spanish Thanks

Hola, me gustaria hablar italiano y tener un ingles mas fluido, lo puedo intercanviar por catalan o castellano, gracias

  • qwerty1234 profile picture qwerty1234April 2013
    Hi! I'm Margherita, from Italy. How are you? I want to learn English and Spanish. If you want I can teach you Italian! Write me a private text! Thanks, Margherita
saraestera profile picture saraesteraFebruary 2013
Hola! me gustaría hacer un intercambio de español por inglés!
Romashka8 profile picture Romashka8February 2013
Hola! I would like to start learn Spanish. I may help with Russian. Will ne nice to find new friends.
Sasha007 profile picture Sasha007January 2013
Hola! Me gustaría comunicar en Español. Gracias. Skype: rusasha007
kordar profile picture kordarJanuary 2013
Let's talk in English
  • Helda profile picture HeldaNovember 2012
    Hi, Andres! I want to learn Spanish and I can help you with English Como estas? Everything is OK?..
DiegoRastovich profile picture DiegoRastovichNovember 2012
Hi everyone! look 4 someone here in Bcn to exchanging my brazilian portuguese 4 french, dutch or german.
