Couchsurfing Mojito Party

Event description

Hey Polyglot Friends,

(castellano sigue bajo)

we are glad to invite you to the next mojito party. We meet every friday for more than 1year already!

Pictures of past events you find here:

We meet every friday in the bar Juanita Lala in barceloneta.

We arranged to get the Mojitos for 4€ all night!

We also get several food dishes for 4€ each.

Please ask for a bracelet at the bar for all discounts.

Starting time is 8pm.


– 2minutes away from the metro stop barceloneta and across the street of burger king

Picture of the building

Any questions? Contact Michael. Tel: 0034-622641620(For example in whatsapp)

Hola Amigos de Polyglot,

cada viernes hacemos el mojito party.
Hace mas que un año ya!

Aqui hay fotos del eventos pasados:

Los mojitos estan 4€ todo la noche.
Tambien hay varios platos de comida cada 4€

Por favor preguntais para una pulsera por los descuentos.

Quedamos en el bar Juanita Lala.

Empezaremos a las 8 de la tarde.

Tienes preguntas? Contactais Michael. Tel: 0034-622641620(Por ejemplo en whatsapp)


2 minutos caminar del estacion de metro barceloneta y enfrente de burger king.

Говорят за нас!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


vincent profile picture vincentDecember 2015
Does this event take place every week? best regards, Vincent, admin
irenin7 profile picture irenin7July 2015

Hello!! is there a French speaking person that would like to practice spanish or english, attending this friday?

MOJAKERO profile picture MOJAKEROOctober 2014
Som poka gent, no ??