Sortie Stand Up Padde, Sat, Aug 26, 2023, 10:00 AM

Опис події

  • Дата: Aug 26, 2023
  • Час: 10:00
  • Адреса: Адреса видима для учасників

Join us for an invigorating Stand Up Paddle experience in the picturesque coastal town of Banyuls sur Mer. This exclusive Meetup event offers the perfect opportunity to explore the stunning Mediterranean waters while having fun with a small group.

You have the flexibility to choose between a 1-hour or a 2-hour session, depending on your preferences and schedule. Whether you're a seasoned paddleboarder or a beginner, our expert instructors will ensure you have a memorable and enjoyable time.

Pricing details for paddleboard rentals are as follows:

1-hour rental: €15

2-hour rental: €25

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