Taller de cocina turca / Turkish cooking class, Fri, Oct 13, 2023, 7:00 PM

Descrição do evento

  • Data: Oct 13, 2023
  • Hora: 19:00
  • Morada: Endereço visível para os membros
  • www.meetup.com

Join us and indulge in the flavors of Turkish cuisine at our Turkish cooking class + dinner event!
Discover the art of making Pide and Ayran, two iconic Turkish dishes.
Complete your culinary experience with a delightful İrmik tatlısı dessert. Our talented chef will be of Turkish descent.
Immerse yourself in the warm and inviting ambiance of our chef's home.
Price: 20€.
Limited spots available. Reserve in advance through our website: https://spanish-ole.es/actividades/talleres-cocina/

Embark on a journey through the rich flavors of Turkish cuisine! Join our cooking class + dinner event where you will learn the secrets of preparing Pide and Ayran. Indulge in the decadent İrmik tatlısı dessert, a perfect ending to your Turkish culinary adventure. Our skilled chef, hailing from Turkey, will host the event in her cozy abode.
Price: 20€.
Limited availability.
Secure your spot now by booking through our website: https://spanish-ole.es/actividades/talleres-cocina/

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