Teach English, French, Spanish, American sign language online

Bilingual Jobs / Bilingual Tour Guide
Language(s): English English French Spanish American Sign Language Chinese Mandarin
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  • 2 days delivery
Meet Elizabeth Standard, a versatile expert in foreign languages. With fluency in English, Spanish, French and Chinese, Elizabeth offers a comprehensive understanding of language nuances and cultural contexts.  With over a decade of experience in audio translation services, specializing in French, Spanish, Chinese, and American Sign Language (ASL), Elizabeth's classes go beyond language skills to integrate effective communication, cultural understanding, and respect, offering a holistic approach to language learning.
If you're ready to expand your horizons - Then  welcome to Elizabeth Standard's world of expertise where knowledge resounds and possibilities abound.

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  • You pay only the listed price without any hidden costs.
  • We keep your money until you are happy with the delivered work.
  • The job will be done or your money will be returned.

Job Description

Meet Elizabeth Standard, a versatile expert in foreign languages. With fluency in English, Spanish, French, and Chinese, Elizabeth offers a comprehensive understanding of language nuances and cultural contexts. With over a decade of experience in audio translation services, specializing in French, Spanish, Chinese, and American Sign Language (ASL), Elizabeth's classes go beyond language skills to integrate effective communication, cultural understanding, and respect, offering a holistic approach to language learning.

If you're ready to expand your horizons - Then welcome to Elizabeth Standard's world of expertise where knowledge resounds and possibilities abound.

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