IELTS Speaking Fundamentals Course

Teaching / Online Language Teaching
Language(s): English
  • Not rated yet
  • 1 day delivery

I have over ten years English teaching experience.  Seven of those
years were based in China and the last three years have been spent
teaching English online. I worked in China as a senior teacher in a very
well-respected school in Shenyang, Liaoning. In my time in China, I
taught English to all age groups and levels. I gained valuable
experience with teaching all of the main skills associated with learning
oral English, such as; speaking and listening, grammar and vocabulary,
pronunciation and comprehension and fluency and accuracy.

I have a very strong passion for teaching English as a second
language and hope to make a difference to the lives of those I teach. In
my opinion, learning should always be fun, interesting and challenging,
regardless of your age. I aim to provide a very relaxed environment as
well as a fun and interesting experience.

I specialize in IELTS Speaking exam preparation.
My 10+ hours IELST Speaking Fundamentals Course will provide you will all the tools you need to achieve a band 7 or above.
United Kingdom
United Kingdom

100% Secure

Job is done or money back
  • You pay only the listed price without any hidden costs.
  • We keep your money until you are happy with the delivered work.
  • The job will be done or your money will be returned.

Job Description

This IELTS Fundamentals Speaking Course is approximately 10 hours long depending on your level and how you progress through it.
The aim of the course is to:
- Show you what works and what doesn’t.
- Remove doubt, fear and uncertainty.
- Give you the advice, tools and strategies you need to reach band 7 or above.

if you want to go through specific parts of the course or pay by the hour, you can pay-as-you-go at 29.99 EUR
The full course (10 hours) is 234.99 EUR

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