Lazy Language Club Online

وصف الحدث

  • التاريخ: Mar 14, 2025
  • وقت: 18:00
  • رابط لحدث عبر الأنترنيت : الرابط ضاهر للحاضرين
  • عدد الحضور المتوقع: 10
  • الحد الأقصى لعدد الحضور: 30
  • Facebook

Welcome to our Lazy Language Club! 

Language = journey + consistency + immersion

​We are a group of language enthusiasts, who speak 1-3 languages well and are studying more. We want to:

​— learn many langs., but we know it takes time 

​— learn slowly, in a relaxed and structured way

​— dabble in (try, play with, have a slow-start in) new langs

​— revisit old ones, have a place where we can use them

​— learn the basics now in advantage for future focused study

​— overcome fears of trying, making mistakes

​— teach each other langs we speak, because it improves personal knowledge

​— learn how to switch without brain fog

​We've built this club to have a space for that. 

​We believe that (and why do we do that):

​— Language is a journey, not a race

​— Consistency outweighs intensity: the brain becomes familiar with a new lang through regular engagement

​— Immersion is more effective than memorizing 100 new words

​— It's possible to learn 10+ languages, we all had 10+ subjects in school, and we made it through

​This approach isn’t for everyone. If you need intensive study of just one language, or instant results, our club might not be a good fit. But if you’ve ever thought, ‘Omg, it’s possible, I want that too’ then feel free to try. 

​About the club:

​— it is free

​— 10+ languages at once, but slow

​— your language talent doesn't matter, we are very slow ourselves

​— there are no teachers, no ads, just me as the organizer. I invite guest-hosts & tutors

​— it’s not traditional lessons or courses

​— there are 5-10 regular members

​— there's also a lively chat with memes and discussions

​— we meet in Zoom for 40-minute sessions, using methods we’ve refined over the past year that have shown the best results

​Feels like fun to you? Join us at any time.

Timetable, Istanbul time (GMT+3):

​Tuesday 6 pm (18:00)

​Wednesday 9 pm (21:00)

​Thursday 9 pm (21:00)

​Friday 6 pm (18:00)

​Saturday 11 am

More about Club:
Contact to ask any questions:



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Media coverage - Polyglot Club
