Sightseeing and Talking

Etkinlik Açıklaması

  • Tarih: Jan 06, 2019
  • saat: 12:00
  • Adres: Adres, katılımcılar tarafından görülebilir
  • ücret: 100€
  • Beklenen katlılmcı sayısı: 1
  • Maksimum katılımcı sayısı: 7


My name is Serguei (Sergio).

I'm a teacher, translator and guide, I organize various unusual excursions in Saint-Petersburg and in the suburbs, including such ancient towns as Vyborg, Novgorod, Shlisselburg and so on. I know what's not in the guides and maps. The price is 100 EU per a group and all day long without any time limits if you want an excursion. It's free if you just want to have a walk without any excursions, just talking English or Spanish.

The meeting date is random, feel free to change it. Sure, beforehand.


Soy maestro, interprete y guia, organizo diferentes excursiones extraordinarias en San Petersburgo y sus alrededores, incluso tales ciudades antiguas como Vyborg, Novgorod y otras. Se lo que no hay en los mapas y otras excursiones. El precio sera 100 EU por un grupo para todo el dia sin limites del tiempo algunos. Sera gratis si nos encontramos sin excursiones solo para pasear y practicar Espanol e Ingles.

El tiempo del encuentro es ocasional, Uds pueden cambiarlo. Seguro, de antemano.

Hakkımızda konuşuyorlar!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club
