Polyglot Exchange with Russia traveller


  • Datum: Nov 06, 2011
  • Zeit: 14:00
  • Anschrift: Adresse für Teilnehmer sichtbar
  • Couchsurfing
  • Telefonnummer: +1714-452-7054
I'm going to Russia this coming weeks, first leg to attend Mirfest in Sankt-Peterburg..start in Halloween, so  I will be staying in Piter for a week, during which, would like to meet with Polyglot friends there.=))
After this, I'll have my own independent travel, backpacking to the next cities of Russia.
The Next connection after St.Petersburg will be Moscow, for this i will use Sapsan express trainn.
There I'd like to meet Russian friends too in the government capitall..Possibly have a tour mate in the capital.
Then I'll be backpacking to the next cities of Russia eastway, as my resources can support.=)
I'm Travelling all on my own, it will be life's adventure i know. Looking forward to meeting friends in Russia and be immersed with Russian culture personally,=))
GET in touch with me here, or email or skype, i've just fixed my  phone num.too, so anyone can call: +1714-452-7054,Рэйчел,=))


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Lunela profile picture LunelaOctober 2011

Hello Rachel!

I'll be glad to meet you at St-Petersburg.

pat profile picture patOctober 2011

  Have yourself a MOMENTOUS time in Russia and Pietr, Rachel! Wish we were there!

vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2011

  Hey, that's a great idea Rachel,

I'll inform all the members from St Pete
