Let's meet and have chats!

Descrizione dell'evento


AssESSoR profile picture AssESSoRNovember 2008
2 Linet:

um... definitely not. As for now I know that more than 10 people whose native language is not Russian are going to participate in the event.

Have a look at these pages:


http://www.couchsurfing.com/group_read.html?gid=486& post=1741995


2 vincent:

I expect about 20-30 participants, just like at our usual meetings in Moscow -)
vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2008

Hi! you can check the nationality of partipant in the registered member list.

with the members of couch surfing, there'll be people from everywhere I suppose

Alex : how many participants do you expect ?



Linet profile picture LinetNovember 2008
I've never attended any of the meetings before. Hope i'll be able to come. But there're supposed to be russian people only, right?
vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2008
new mailing sent

St Pete : 532 members

Leningrad : 29 members

amg82 profile picture amg82October 2008

Dear All!

You are welcome to the Halloween party on 1st of November which will be held for international and Russian students at Ostrov club in St.Petersburg. The party starts at 22.30. The Halloween dressing will be appreciated.

Address: Emb. Leitinanta schmidta 37.

The party is sponsored by Russian language and culture center, American corner and creative group pafoss.com. So the party is free.. just get an invitation through the Russian Language group in faceboook (contact person Alexey Goryainov) or use the following email: amg82amg82 profile picture

There we can also think over the next meeting on November 15th!


Looking forward to see you soon,



vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2008
Hi Daryawp,

if you wish, you can create a HALLOWEEN meeting earlier , like the one taking place in London here :

Happy Hallowe

Daryawp profile picture DaryawpOctober 2008
oh why 15 of NOVEMBER?:((((
THere is a good festival of electro-mechanic at modern art center where im volunteering:(

Dont you orgonise any Halloween party?Id love to visit one as i ve never been to Haloween parties.

Best regards.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon
vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2008
I think Saint Petersburg section has a great future !!