Russia - Polyglot Network

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Welcome to Russia Polyglot Network!

Image known to the whole world

Умом Россию не понять, Аршином общим не измерить: У ней особенная стать, В Россию можно только верить.

Nocomprehension by wise head, No measurement by square yard 'Coz Russia has its own stand, The optimum is to believe in Russland...

Welcome to our country!  Russia is one of the largest countries in the world, it is a great land thatspreads for many kilometers and spans eleven time zones and twocontinents. The country combines in its culture something taken frompractical West and at the same time a lot taken from attractive East. Itis one ofthe oldest, one of the most beautiful countries in the world and itremains to be one of the most mysterious places for the foreigners.Traveling to Russia and visiting memorial places enables you to learnRussian history, some of the Russian traditions and to meet Russianpeople, who are famous for the warm hospitality. Stepup towards Russia!

Mga komento

manuxeon profile picture manuxeonSeptember 2016
Hola, saludos a mis amigos rusos desde Colombia - South America.
nick_marin profile picture nick_marinSeptember 2016
Hi to all! I`m happy that i find this site! i want to improve to language, specially - my speaking. How can help me with this deal)
flying_afar profile picture flying_afarAugust 2016
Hello everyone)) Im from Russia. I practice english in here. I wish you success on this website.
evenchel profile picture evenchelAugust 2016
Hi everyone, I would like to practice in my English, also I'm happy to help you with learning Russian as it's my native language
SvetikSvetin profile picture SvetikSvetinAugust 2016
Hello everyone! I can help you with Russian. Let us speak German or English!
Konstantin1998 profile picture Konstantin1998July 2016

Hi! My name is Konstanin and I would like to find friends who speak Italian. I can help you with German and Russian.