Moscow - Rede de Polyglot

Benvido á MoscowRede Polyglot!

Welcome to Moscow!

М о с к в а ...К а к   м н о г о   в   э т о м   з в у к е

д л я   с е р д ц а   р у с с к о г о   с л и л о с ь .

К а к   м н о г о   в   н ё м   о т о з в а л о с ь 

Moscow... How much in this sound

for russian heart's been put together...

How much of greet from it...


Guze20 profile picture Guze20July 2012
Hi! If somebody wants to communicate in French for improving language skills please write me. We can meet or speak in skype. Thanks!
pinkcrazy profile picture pinkcrazyJuly 2012
Hi, I am from Russia I search friends)
ezeik profile picture ezeikJuly 2012
Hello I Evan.I am a student from Moscow. I can help you with a Russian and you help me with English.
ChristineBel profile picture ChristineBelJuly 2012
Hi everyone!I look for people for communication in English!Who wants to chat?