Moscow - مجتمع بوليغلوت

نظم اجتماع جديد هنا
اكتب اسم مدينتك :

مرحبا بك Moscowفي شبكه بولي جلوت

Welcome to Moscow!

М о с к в а ...К а к   м н о г о   в   э т о м   з в у к е

д л я   с е р д ц а   р у с с к о г о   с л и л о с ь .

К а к   м н о г о   в   н ё м   о т о з в а л о с ь 

Moscow... How much in this sound

for russian heart's been put together...

How much of greet from it...


Zarina_ profile picture Zarina_August 2012
Hello everyone! My name is Zarina. I really want speak English and I can help you with Russian! I'll be glad to be friends with you!
Sophia91 profile picture Sophia91August 2012
Hallo! Ich möchte Deutsch lernen. Wer hilft mir?
Dionid profile picture DionidAugust 2012
And what next? I'm here and only what i can see is many of russian stundents try to learn English and I'm one of them... Maybe some help?