Moscow - Rete Polyglot

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Benvenuto sul network Moscow Polyglot!

Welcome to Moscow!

М о с к в а ...К а к   м н о г о   в   э т о м   з в у к е

д л я   с е р д ц а   р у с с к о г о   с л и л о с ь .

К а к   м н о г о   в   н ё м   о т о з в а л о с ь 

Moscow... How much in this sound

for russian heart's been put together...

How much of greet from it...


uma2rman profile picture uma2rmanDecember 2012
looking for MBA level English language exchange
Nouoda profile picture NouodaDecember 2012
HI!!! my name is Max. I want to I want to learn English.and i hope what i find the good friends here. i am glad to meet you =)
Marmeladova profile picture MarmeladovaDecember 2012
I want to make friends for the English language, to master it to perfection.
let's go friends!)
Loanna profile picture LoannaNovember 2012
dear football fans,i am waiting you)))))Russia.Moscow
macmah911 profile picture macmah911November 2012
i need a date tomorrow=))
Jeanneta profile picture JeannetaNovember 2012

Hi! Want to practise my English)