Language Exchange Meeting

Опис події

  • Дата: Feb 27, 2016
  • Час: 18:00
  • Адреса: Адреса видима для учасників
  • Максимальна кількість учасників.: 100
  • Couchsurfing

Hello Guys!

I would like to invite all of you for a language exchange meeting in Warsaw!

The meeting will take place in Lolek Pub, Rokitnicka 20 (Pola Mokotowskie) on 27th of February at 18:00. It is near the metro station, for people who does not know Warsaw.

It is more than one moth from today so everybody who is interested can plan a trip to Warsaw. 


Everybody who wants to exchange laguages, talk about foreign languages is invited. 

I hope there will come plenty of polyglots and in the future we can meet regurarly.


If you have some question/ tips feel free to write me or comment the event.


Your ex-Administrator of Poland :)



Вони говорять про нас!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


vincent profile picture vincentJanuary 2016
Thanks for proposal vincent, admin