Lima - rete Polygloti

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Lilak profile picture LilakOctober 2016
I can help yoy with spanish , business language..
waltercamilo profile picture waltercamiloOctober 2016
i would like to practice my english and i could teach spanish. Im very funny
gonram profile picture gonramSeptember 2016
hi I can teach you
Spanish. And I want to learn english. Thanks
trujilloalex profile picture trujilloalexSeptember 2016
necesito aprender ingles basico yo puedo enseñarte español
jhosmel_ra profile picture jhosmel_raSeptember 2016
Hola, necesito aprender inglés
Trisha279 profile picture Trisha279September 2016
I can help you with spanish
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colloquetur de nobis!

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