Oslo - Polyglot Nettverk

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keko95 profile picture keko95January 2014
Hi Oslo !
first time soon, 20hours OSL stopover starting the19th of January 19h30, would like advice and meeting local or traveler to visit would be great ))
manac profile picture manacOctober 2013
Hi everyone!

I just arrived in Oslo and I would like to set up a weeekly meeting of polyglot club members, so that we could speak foreign languages.
Before trying to organise a meeting, I would just like to know if anyone would be interested in such a possibility. We could meet on Tuesday of Thursday evening in a bar, and talk. In Norwegian, English, French, German or whatever ther language we are willing to speak.
Just contact me if it seems interesting to you! I have lived in Paris before and it worked quite well, with sveral meetings each week.


ursikazala profile picture ursikazalaOctober 2012
Hei! I'm looking for someone to teach me norwegian - for exchange for slovenian leanguage ))
Mwsb profile picture MwsbSeptember 2012
Hei! I have been living in Oslo for a few months now, but havent yet picked up with the norwegian. Is there anyone interested in learning portuguese in exchange for some norwegian lessons? Regards
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