English for you French to me

Esemény leírása

  • Dátum: Jan 07, 2008
  • Idő: 01:06
  • Cím: A résztvevők számára látható cím


My name is Jazmin-Maria Housni and I have a morrocan father and he has been lazy to tech our children french  and I   really want to learn good french in Morocco, so I have easier to speak with my relatives. I visit Morocco twice a year and in the summer I stay in Morocco  for 3 months. 

So my plan is if someone can learn me good french and little arabic, then I will teach more developed english.

If this 'plan' sounds good contact me and we can set up a meating when I come to Maghreb.


Rólunk mondták!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


ouissale profile picture ouissaleMay 2014
It's a vert Nice plan , se can start even if you are ont here, by facebook ,skype or all what y ou suggest,i am in at all, i wait for your response ,take care friend
lahcenAb profile picture lahcenAbApril 2014
its good for me, i can teach you arbic and french and you teach me english, we can start with skype if you want
Jujulastar profile picture JujulastarDecember 2007

je souhaiterais bien correspondre avec toi comme ça je réviserai mon anglais et toi ton français.

J'attend ta réponse. ( tu peux aussi m'écrire à l'adresse suivante -> JujulastarJujulastar profile picture )

A bientôt.

  • adja22 profile picture adja22April 2013
    Bonjour, je suis très intéressée par ton message, moi aussi je veux approfondir mon niveau en anglais en enseignant le français et l'arabe. en fin j'ajoute que j'ajoute que je suis marocaine si ça vous intéresse pour l'apprentissage.
Isma28 profile picture Isma28February 2013
Hello this plan sounds me good, don't hesitate when you comme here
ismaail profile picture ismaailJuly 2012

Hi Jazmin-Maria Housni nice to meet you, Also i want to learn english ,  can you help me please ?

sinaoufal profile picture sinaoufalDecember 2007

hi i am very happy to send you this message and i wish u a happy new your i am an technien i want to have contact with u i can teach you french and arabic an litel amzig we change contate on my number phone 0021260172703 thanks for your nswer

and happy new years

me NAoufal

mtman profile picture mtmanDecember 2007
hi I can exchange information with all my pleasure
my name is Tarek and I am from mrocco
if you are interested contact me ok
mtmanmtman profile picture