Learning english together

Ürituse kirjeldus

  • Kuupäev: Apr 16, 2016
  • Aeg: 16:00
  • Aadrees: Address visible for attendees

send me an email and i will contact you to organise a meeting to learn english, and of course to meet new people.

i propose medina or ain diab, you can also suggest an address :) (perimeter : casablanca , Morocco)




Nad räägivad meile!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


Simo_02 profile picture Simo_02March 2016
Hello lahcen, I am in.
SANAA30 profile picture SANAA30March 2016

hello ,

i agree with u

WiamH profile picture WiamHJanuary 2016
Is it still taking place guys?
heddass profile picture heddassOctober 2015
i can ... ?
HIMMi profile picture HIMMiOctober 2015
hello my nams is hamza I want to learn English
aminlab profile picture aminlabSeptember 2015
hey evryone , are you still meeting guys.?
fsFaty profile picture fsFatySeptember 2015
A good idea and me too i want to participate.
TIGREADIL profile picture TIGREADILSeptember 2015
Hello, it's a good idea, could you please give me more information about this meeting(where?how?...). Thank you for your feedback
