let's learn english together!

Event description


LUNA007 profile picture LUNA007October 2013
i've already done that .its maarif ,oliveri
vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2013
Please, could you propose an address to meet ?
tekkak profile picture tekkakOctober 2013
great idea , i'll be present too
ZokTooR profile picture ZokTooRSeptember 2013

I'll be present

hicham119 profile picture hicham119September 2013
Hi Salma this is a great opportunity to exchange our expériences toghether
and increase our skills i will be there if GOD want "Inchallah" but i have a simple question it will be a teacher or just we and don't forget to send me the details ,Regards
youssefamal profile picture youssefamalSeptember 2013
hi salama thank you for this initative i'll be there incha2lahh
 September 2013
thanks for this initiative and I am interested to participate in this meeting and I will be present incha3llah juste you must precise adresse and time

linuxma profile picture linuxmaSeptember 2013
hi my name is hicham i am from casablanca bernoussi also intersted
